Inverse kinematics

mink.solve_ik.solve_ik(configuration: Configuration, tasks: Sequence[Task], dt: float, solver: str, damping: float = 1e-12, safety_break: bool = False, limits: Sequence[Limit] | None = None, **kwargs) ndarray

Solve the differential inverse kinematics problem.

Computes a velocity tangent to the current robot configuration. The computed velocity satisfies at (weighted) best the set of provided kinematic tasks.

  • configuration (Configuration) – Robot configuration.

  • tasks (Sequence[Task]) – List of kinematic tasks.

  • dt (float) – Integration timestep in [s].

  • solver (str) – Backend quadratic programming (QP) solver.

  • damping (float) – Levenberg-Marquardt damping.

  • safety_break (bool) – If True, stop execution and raise an exception if the current configuration is outside limits. If False, print a warning and continue execution.

  • limits (Sequence[Limit] | None) – List of limits to enforce. Set to empty list to disable. If None, defaults to a configuration limit.

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments to forward to the backend QP solver.


Velocity v in tangent space.

Return type:


mink.solve_ik.build_ik(configuration: Configuration, tasks: Sequence[Task], dt: float, damping: float = 1e-12, limits: Sequence[Limit] | None = None) Problem

Build quadratic program from current configuration and tasks.

  • configuration (Configuration) – Robot configuration.

  • tasks (Sequence[Task]) – List of kinematic tasks.

  • dt (float) – Integration timestep in [s].

  • damping (float) – Levenberg-Marquardt damping.

  • limits (Sequence[Limit] | None) – List of limits to enforce. Set to empty list to disable. If None, defaults to a configuration limit.


Quadratic program of the inverse kinematics problem.

Return type:
