
Configuration space of a robot model.

The Configuration class encapsulates a MuJoCo model and data, offering easy access to frame transforms and frame Jacobians. A frame refers to a coordinate system that can be attached to various parts of the robot, such as a body, geom, or site.

class mink.configuration.Configuration

Encapsulates a model and data for convenient access to kinematic quantities.

This class provides methods to access and update the kinematic quantities of a robot model, such as frame transforms and Jacobians. It performs forward kinematics at every time step, ensuring up-to-date information about the robot’s state.

Key functionalities include:

  • Running forward kinematics to update the state.

  • Checking configuration limits.

  • Computing Jacobians for different frames.

  • Retrieving frame transforms relative to the world frame.

  • Integrating velocities to update configurations.

update(q: ndarray | None = None) None

Run forward kinematics.


q (ndarray | None) – Optional configuration vector to override internal data.qpos with.

Return type:


update_from_keyframe(key_name: str) None

Update the configuration from a keyframe.


key_name (str) – The name of the keyframe.

Return type:


check_limits(tol: float = 1e-06, safety_break: bool = True) None

Check that the current configuration is within bounds.

  • tol (float) – Tolerance in [rad].

  • safety_break (bool) – If True, stop execution and raise an exception if the current configuration is outside limits. If False, print a warning and continue execution.

Return type:


get_frame_jacobian(frame_name: str, frame_type: str) ndarray

Compute the Jacobian matrix of a frame velocity.

Denoting our frame by \(B\) and the world frame by \(W\), the Jacobian matrix \({}_B J_{WB}\) is related to the body velocity \({}_B v_{WB}\) by:

\[{}_B v_{WB} = {}_B J_{WB} \dot{q}\]
  • frame_name (str) – Name of the frame in the MJCF.

  • frame_type (str) – Type of frame. Can be a geom, a body or a site.


Jacobian \({}_B J_{WB}\) of the frame.

Return type:


get_transform_frame_to_world(frame_name: str, frame_type: str) SE3

Get the pose of a frame at the current configuration.

  • frame_name (str) – Name of the frame in the MJCF.

  • frame_type (str) – Type of frame. Can be a geom, a body or a site.


The pose of the frame in the world frame.

Return type:


get_transform(source_name: str, source_type: str, dest_name: str, dest_type: str) SE3

Get the pose of a frame with respect to another frame at the current configuration.

  • source_name (str) – Name of the frame in the MJCF.

  • source_type (str) – Source type of frame. Can be a geom, a body or a site.

  • dest_name (str) – Name of the frame to get the pose in.

  • dest_type (str) – Dest type of frame. Can be a geom, a body or a site.


The pose of source_name in dest_name.

Return type:


integrate(velocity: ndarray, dt: float) ndarray

Integrate a velocity starting from the current configuration.

  • velocity (ndarray) – The velocity in tangent space.

  • dt (float) – Integration duration in [s].


The new configuration after integration.

Return type:


integrate_inplace(velocity: ndarray, dt: float) None

Integrate a velocity and update the current configuration inplace.

  • velocity (ndarray) – The velocity in tangent space.

  • dt (float) – Integration duration in [s].

Return type:


property q: ndarray

The current configuration vector.

property nv: int

The dimension of the tangent space.

property nq: int

The dimension of the configuration space.